
Showing posts from October, 2007

68+ incredible HALLOWEEN JOKES FOR ADULTS 2023

Humor can go such a long way and one of my preferred things to do with the kids is laughs at the festival. A collection of  HALLOWEEN JOKES FOR ADULTS  2023 is going to make the day enjoyable. A little laughter can mark a not-so-great day into a better one and can even crack a good day into a fabulous one! We also like the holidays around here and Halloween is the first event that really kicks it off in our house. So Halloween jokes and Halloween riddles have developed part of our family belief now that the kids love jokes. Whether you share these cracking jokes with your kids or just amuse yourself, be sure to let us know which ones are your favorites from our amazing list! Q: Why did the monster go inside the bar? A: For the boos. Q: What do you call an annoying pumpkin who does stupid stuff? A: A jack-ass-o-lantern. Q: What health insurance do Halloween creatures use? A: Medi-scare. Q: What’s a skeleton’s favorite board game? A: Tibial Pursuit. Q: What happened to the cannibal who s