Valentine’s Day in Netherland - Wishes, History & Culture 2023

Valentine’s Day in Netherland - Wishes, History & Culture 2023

Valentine’s Day is one of the most celebrated and romantic days of the year around the world. In the Netherlands, Valentine’s Day is a day to express love and appreciation for your partner, family members, and friends. Every February 14th, Dutch people exchange heartfelt wishes with their loved ones. But Valentine’s Day in the Netherlands isn’t just about giving gifts and making romantic gestures. It is also strongly rooted in history and culture. In this blog post, we take a look at how Valentine’s Day has evolved over time in Netherland and what 2023 will bring for it. We will explore everything from traditional customs to modern trends and discuss why it's important to keep these traditions alive even as we embrace new ways of celebrating Valentine's Day.

History of Valentine's day in Netherland

Valentine’s Day is a special day to celebrate love and affection. The holiday has roots in the Roman festival of Lupercalia, which was held on February 15th. It is thought that the first Valentine’s Day was celebrated in the 14th century, when Chaucer wrote a poem about it. The holiday became popular in England and France during the 18th century.

In the Netherlands, Valentine’s Day is not as big as it is in other countries. However, it is still celebrated by many people. Flowers are often given on this day, as well as chocolates and cards. Sometimes couples will go out for a romantic dinner or exchange gifts.

What do people do?

In the Netherlands, Valentine's Day is called Valentijnsdag. It is a day when people celebrate love and affection for each other. People often give flowers, chocolates, and cards to their loved ones on this day.

Valentine's Day has been celebrated in the Netherlands since the 19th century. The holiday is thought to have originated from a Christian feast day honoring St. Valentine, a early martyr who was said to have performed miracles of healing.

The Dutch have their own special way of celebrating Valentine's Day. In addition to giving gifts, many couples in the Netherlands go on romantic outings together. Popular activities include taking a walk through a park or going out to eat at a nice restaurant.

No matter how you choose to celebrate, Valentijnsdag is a special day to show your loved ones how much you care about them.

How to say

In the Netherlands, Valentine’s Day is known as Valentijnsdag. It is customary to wish someone a “Happy Valentine’s Day” by saying “Fijne Valentijnsdag!” or “Gelukkige Valentijnsdag!”. You can also say “Verliefd op je!” which means “I’m in love with you!” if you are feeling particularly romantic.

Valentine’s Day has only recently become popular in the Netherlands, although it has been celebrated in other countries for many years. The holiday has its roots in the Roman festival of Lupercalia, which was held annually on February 15th. The festival honoured Juno Februata, the goddess of love and fertility.

During the Middle Ages, the holiday became associated with courtly love and romance. In the 17th century, English poet John Donne wrote a famous poem called “A Valentine”. In it, he compares his love for his wife to a religious experience:

My love is my religion, and I could die for that…

By the 19th century, Valentine’s Day had become a commercial holiday in England and America. Cards, flowers and chocolates were exchanged between loved ones, and the holiday was gradually adopted by other cultures around the world.

Valentine's day traditions in Netherland

Valentine’s Day is a special day for couples all over the world. In the Netherlands, it is also known as ‘liefde-dag’ or ‘love-day’. On this day, people exchange cards and gifts with their loved ones to express their affection.

The most popular tradition on Valentine’s Day in the Netherlands is the exchanging of ‘lieveheersbeestjes’. These are small chocolate creatures that come in a box with a card attached. The card usually has a romantic message written on it.

Another popular tradition is to write ‘liefdesbrieven’ or ‘love letters’ to your loved one. These letters are often filled with sweet words and declarations of love. They are a beautiful way to show your partner how much you care about them.

If you want to make this Valentine’s Day extra special, you can always plan a romantic weekend getaway to one of the many beautiful Dutch cities such as Amsterdam, Rotterdam or Utrecht. No matter how you choose to celebrate, liefde-dag is sure to be a day to remember!


Valentine's Day celebrations in the Netherlands have definitely grown and evolved over time — from a traditional exchange of hand-written letters to modern-day celebration with gifts, flowers, and cards. With 2023 just around the corner, it's safe to say that one tradition will remain unchanged: celebrating love and friendship through meaningful gestures. Whether you're looking for special ways to celebrate your significant other or want to show appreciation for those who matter most in your life, Valentine's Day is always the perfect occasion.


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